March 17, 2008


"All Alone..."

So, this is my first attempt at a blog and we shall see how it goes. I really just wanted to have another forum in which to display my photos, and maybe, now and then, give some insight into my life and thoughts. At the very least, I hope to gain some mild form of entertainment from this exercise, and I hope that you do too.

The photo above was posted yesterday to Flickr and was taken at the end of February. It was the day after a rather disappointingly mild snow storm. :) It was bitterly cold out and pretty windy, too. My Dad and I were out together (most of my photos are taken when he and I go out together) and we took our shots from the car. It was too cold to get out. Just a little back story.

So this a preview of what is to come. I'll post more images as the days go by. Happy Saint Patrick's Day and God bless!

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