June 30, 2009

I hate waiting...

So, the inspector can't get to our house until Thursday. Which means that it'll be after that that the sale will close and we'll finally be able to start cleaning and painting. Which means that we won't be able to move in officially for another 2 weeks. I'm frustrated.

But, on the plus side, I've gotten Jon excited about looking at stuff to decorate the house. We're going to Menards this afternoon to look around just for fun.

So, while you are waiting for updates about the house, take a look at my newest photo. (I finished it last night.) I had no idea that there were wheat fields in Illinois. I had only ever seen corn, beans, hay and the occasional sunflower. I thought it was cool. Feel free to take a look at it on my Flickr site.

Until next time!!

1 comment:

  1. I hate waiting too. I've been waiting for a new blog post from you for a long time. Whatcha been doing, Girly? Re-doing an entire house or something?
